TC Electronic Flashback 2 Mini Delay Pedal

TC Electronic

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Legendary Ultra-Compact Delay Pedal with MASH Footswitch and New Tape and Analog Algorithms

Old school saturated tape echoes, warm, gritty analog delays, crispy clean digital repeats and everything in between.

Containing all of the superbly realistic and musical sounding delay tones from its larger siblings, FLASHBACK 2 MINI DELAY packs a mean punch in a lean stompbox.

Tap Into Your Tone

Famously wielded by such masters as the Edge, Brian May and David Gilmour to name a few, the big, bold, delay-driven riff is a higher art form.

The way an already fat tone can be turned into a fearsome weapon of mass seduction by the right set of subdivisions and the right delay timbre – it’s a thing of beauty.

FLASHBACK 2 MINI’s tap tempo lets you sync up your riffage to make sure those repeats are dead on.

Just enable tap tempo in the TonePrint app, hold down the footswitch for a second until you see the red LED turn green, and show your drummer who’s the boss!